Not Coming to a Theater Near You   2008 in Review

The Best DVDs of 2008 by staff

As an exercise, we decided to compile lists for our favorite films, DVDs, and discoveries from the past year. Being that listmaking is a largely ephemeral exercise, one characterized (for us) by ample second-guessing, we decided to display the results of our tally with some transparency. The results below are compiled from submissions from our contributors, with emphasis given to individual films that received mentions on multiple lists. This should not be construed as an officialized exhibition of our favorites from the past year, but rather an illustration of the gamut of our tastes.

Selections made by Simon Augustine, Adam Balz, David Carter,
Leo Goldsmith, Eva Holland, Jenny Jediny, Ian Johnston,
Evan Kindley, Andrew Schenker, Stephen Snart, & Rumsey Taylor





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